Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why I'm Here

Through my experience in Ultimate Frisbee, I have found it to be a love it or hate it kind of game. After the first time playing, people either get hooked to the thrill or decide staying on the couch is a better fit for them.

I started playing after my brother complained that his team needed more girls due to a 5/2 regulation his league established. After the first season of playing I was constantly looking for more ways to get better, and I have found the best way to do that is to learn from others. So this blog will be used to help inform you, as the reader, of things my team does, as a whole, to get better or individual things you can work on. This blog will also be a learning experience for me because, as I stated, I’m looking for ways to get better as well. I will be looking for constant feedback, on either my post, agree or disagree, or stuff you want me to look into. The best way to get better on the field is to learn and practice, so help me help you!