Tuesday, April 20, 2010

OU women's team scores high at Sectionals

This past weekend, Stacked, OU women’s Ultimate Frisbee team, competed in the East Plains Sectionals in Granville, Ohio. The women went 6-2, landing them in third place and giving them a bid to Regional’s on May 1st and 2nd. Below are some of the team’s highlights from the weekend. The photos are courtesy of Josh Kleymeyer.


Matt Schuldt said...

Anne, congrats on the bid to Regionals! I have a few friends on the guy's team as well as the girl's team, but I've never really understood what it was all about. The pictures look really interesting and a lot of fun. The concept of your blog is very interesting and it's good that you're writing about something you have a passion for. I look forward to your future posts!


hey said...

Anne, I think this is a really interesting blog. Congrats on the bid to regionals! I think this really can be a blog that people enjoy reading! Keep up the Posts!

rifeminds said...

That was Cassie! The girl going to WORLDS that I skied! I love that PHOTO!