Lately, Athens’s has been having some pretty weird weather. One day it’s as nice as can be, but the next day it’s rainy and cold. The one thing has stayed constant day by day is the wind. And as all Ultimate players know, a strong wind leads to playing against a zone!

Speaking of poppers, they play an important role while playing against a zone. The most important thing for poppers to remember is always be moving! Nothing is worst than for a handler to look up the field and see no one moving. When it comes to moving, poppers have to be sure to always look for the holes in the cup as well as watching the swings done by the handlers.
Recap: Wind=Zone, but that shouldn’t scare a team offensively. Just keep your passes short, limit the amount of time the disc is being help. Those little throw will tire out the cup and help you move up field. While playing against a zone the most important thing to do is not lose your patience, even though it might appear that you’re not making any progress I promise you will.
wow, I know nothing about ultimate frisbee!! This was interesting though because it taught me some new things and terminology. I really like all of your visuals, your blog is very interesting to look at!
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